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We, members of the AR Year Group of Opoku Ware Old Boys School (Akatakyie) conscious of our vision to come together as school mates and desirous to pull our human, material and financial resources towards assisting one another in the spirit of unity, friendship, brotherhood and to make contribution to our school do hereby, constitute ourselves into an Association and adopt for ourselves this constitution.




  • The Association constituted by this Constitution shall be known and called ‘Opoku Ware Old Boys AR Year Group Association’ (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).

  • The registered office of the Association shall be based in Kumasi and its corresponding address shall be as determined by the Executive. However until such permanent secretariat is established the Executive may determine where to host a temporary secretariat




  • The Association constituted by this Constitution shall be known and called ‘Opoku Ware Old Boys AR Year Group Association’ (hereinafter referred to as “the Association”).


  • The registered office of the Association shall be based in Kumasi and its corresponding address shall be as determined by the Executive. However until such permanent secretariat is established the Executive may determine where to host a temporary secretariat.




  • The Vision of the Association is to create social cohesion among AR Group and promote service to our Alma Mater and humanity.


  • The Mission Statement of the Association shall be ‘Mobilise social capital of AR fraternity through mutual partnerships for the collective benefits of our school and country.

  • The Aims and Objectives of the Association shall include, but not limited to:

  • To promote unity, harmony, friendship and perfect understanding of members;

  • To protect, contribute and improve the welfare of all AR Group members;

  • To develop and help maintain active interactions among the members, Akatakyie fraternity and with other like-minded or mission-led alumni;

  • To enable members to contribute and play key roles in shaping the national agenda (for change);

  • To contribute to the growth and development of our alma mater by participating in development projects, as well as the general well being of students and staff at Owass;

  • To enhance networking and career development among the alumni and students;

  • To encourage, support and recognize




  • In pursuance of its aims and objectives and for the better and proper performance of its functions under this Constitution, the Association shall have powers to:


  • engage in any lawful activity or undertaking for the purpose of mobilizing or generating financial and other material resources to be applied exclusively to the fulfilment of the aims and objectives of the Association as set out in this Constitution;


  • Solicit donations, gifts and other forms of material assistance acceptable to the Association for the purpose of meeting the financial and other obligations of the Association in furtherance of its aims and objectives;


  • Exercise any other power, perform any other function or do any other activity that may lawfully be so exercised, performed or done by the Association for carrying out, or giving effect to, the purpose for which the Association is established.


  • Make rules prescribing:

    The modes of payment by Akatakyie which shall apply from time to time in respect of dues and other contributions/donations towards the funds of the Association; and


  • Such other conditions relating to membership as may be necessary or desirable to ensure the integrity, independence, honour and dignity of the Association as well as the efficacy in its operations.




  • Membership shall be open to all AR number group of Akatakyie.

  • The names of all members with their respective school numbers shall be registered in the Registration Book of the Association.

  • Membership of the Association shall cease only upon the death of such member or expulsion from the Association.






  • Every member shall respect the Association (including decisions and actions legally made by the general meeting) as established in this Constitution;

  • Every member shall respect property owned by the Association and shall not destroy or cause damage to such property, provided always that should a member so destroy or cause damage to such property, such member shall me mulcted with the full cost and replacement of such property.

  • Every member shall be required to honour individual financial obligation to the Association.

  • Every member shall endeavour to attend all General Meetings of the Association.

  • A member is deemed not to be in good standing if he is in arrears of each of his financial obligations to the Association for a period of not less than three (3) months provided always that the Executive shall have the power to examine individual exceptional situations of need by members; however where voting is concerned, the Executive shall not have this power to consider any circumstances.




Every member shall have the unrestricted right to:

  • Inspect registration and books of account

  • Elect a person or be elected to any of the organs of the Association, save where this Constitution expressly states otherwise;

  • Be nominated or appointed as observers or representatives of the Association to any meetings, which the Association may be required to participate; and

  • Benefit from any of the activities, services and facilities of the Association provided that such benefits shall not be by unlawful means, or through the misuse of the Association’s facilities.



  • There shall be an Executive which shall oversee the implementation of the aims and objectives, as well as activities, policies, rules and regulations of the Association as follows:

  • General administration and management of the Association.

  • See to the realization of the aims and objectives of the Association.

  • Serve as an advisory and planning body for the Association of projects and any other reports and proposals submitted to the Executive and issue appropriate directions for compliance by the competent organs or officers of the Association.

  • Develop an annual plan for the Association, setting out projects, programmes and activities for the next Annual General Meeting subject to the approval of the Association at the Annual General Meeting.

  • Drawing up the budget of the Association before it is presented to the Annual General Meeting

  • Responsible for the enforcement of the Constitution, rules and regulations of the Association.

  • Implementation of decisions taken by the Association.

  • To set up appropriate committees to perform particular functions as shall be necessary for the proper functioning of the Association

  • Submission of reports and audited financial statements to the Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • The Executive shall consist of the following:


  • President

  • Vice President

  • Secretary

  • Vice Secretary

  • Treasurer

  • Organizing Secretary


  • Members of the Association shall elect from amongst themselves qualified and dedicated persons to fill the above positions in the Executive of the Association.

  • A person shall not qualify to be elected as an Executive unless –

  • the person is a registered member of the Association;

  • is in good standing i.e. has paid all his dues and other fees; and

  • is not a person of unsound mind.


The President


  • The President shall be the Head of the Executive and shall preside over all Executive and General Meetings as well as responsible for the proper conduct of the meetings.

  • The President shall act as the spokesperson for the Association

  • The President shall present annual report to the Association.

  • The Vice President shall assist the President in the performance of his duties and act for the President in his absence.

  • The provisions of clause (4) of this Article of this Constitution shall apply to the election of the Vice President.


The Secretary


  • The Secretary shall keep record of proceedings of all meetings and handle all correspondence of the Association.

  • The Secretary shall convene all meetings of the Executive in consultation with the    President.

  • Notices for General Meeting & Annual General Meeting shall be given by the Secretary to all Members of the Association.

  • The Vice Secretary shall assist the Secretary in the discharge of his duties and also act in his absence.


The Treasurer


  • The Treasurer shall keep proper records of all financial transactions of the Association including Annual Financial Reports to be considered at the Annual General Meeting.

  • The Treasurer shall present statement of account as may be required by the Executive, and submit the Association’s Annual Audited Accounts to members of the Association one month before the Annual General Meeting.

  • The Treasurer shall receive all moneys, donations, contributions etc on behalf of the Association.

  • The Treasurer shall pay all moneys into the bank account of the Association within three (3) working days of receipt.

  • The Treasure shall disburse all moneys on behalf of the Association in consultation with the Executive.


The Organising Secretary


  • The Organising Secretary shall perform all public relations, protocol and welfare functions of the Association.


Tenure of Office


  • Members of the Executive shall be elected for a term of two (2) years at the Annual General Meeting by simple majority of members present and voting, through a secret ballot. They shall take office in January of the year of election and shall serve until January of the second year of their term.

  • Vacancies in the position of the Executive shall be filled through bye-elections.

  • An Executive position shall become vacant upon the death of a member; or upon the expiration of the term of office; or upon the removal of a member of the Executive from his office or upon resignation of a member of the Executive.

  • Only members in good standing shall have the power to initiate a motion of no confidence in an Executive or in the Executive as a whole. A minimum of 30 duly qualified members shall be required for such an action. Such an action can only be entertained if it is registered with the Executive a minimum of 14 days prior to the next General Meeting. The Executive shall have 3 days within which to inform the Association of this motion. However, the final decision of such motion rests with members present at a General Meeting and voting.

  • A member of the Executive or the Executive as a whole may be removed during his term of office by a simple majority vote obtained at a general meeting.

  • An Executive member may be removed on the basis of misappropriation of funds or assets belonging to the Association, abuse of constitutionally vested authority, neglect of obligations, fraud or other conducts inimical to the Association.

  • All properties of the Association shall be vested in the Executive who shall constitute a Board of Trustees, accountable to members.


Legal Advisor


  • The Executive shall appoint a legal advisor who shall be a lawyer and a member of the Association.

  • The Legal advisor shall be the principal legal adviser to the Association.



  • Article 8: Meetings of the Association


  • The Executive is mandated by this Constitution to convene the following meetings in the manner hereinafter provided:

  • Annual General Meeting (AGM)

  • General Meeting

  • The AGM shall be held at the last Saturday of March of each year and shall be the highest decision making authority of the Association.

  • All issues relevant to the Association shall be tabled for debate and resolution at the AGM and in particular, the AGM shall determine for the following:

  • Adoption or rejection of the audited financial statements of the Association;

  • Review of projects initiated by the Association;

  • Appointment or retention of auditors;

  • Where due, election of new Executives

  • Discussion and adoption of a new plan for the ensuing year

  • The quorum for AGM shall be thirty percent (30%) of members and any three (3) members of the Executive present.

  • General Meetings shall be held monthly on the last Saturday of each month.

  • At least seven (7) days notice shall be given for general meetings

  • Emergency General Meetings shall be held when necessary. Sixty Percent (60%) of members in good standing upon notice to any two members of the Executive may call for an Emergency General Meeting, by giving 24 hours notice.

  • Decisions of the General Meetings shall be by simple majority of members present and voting.

  • Decisions of General Meetings shall be final and binding on all members of the Association.



  • Electronic Online Discussions Forum


  • The electronic online discussion forum existing at the time of adoption of this Constitution and operated under the name and style of ‘Akatakyie AR’ is deemed under this Constitution to be established under the same name for purposes of easy interaction among members of this Association.

  • Any notice required under this Constitution to be issued and served in any manner stated herein shall be deemed validly issued if same is posted on the Forum for the attention of members.

  • Any member in good standing may vote through the Forum.



Annual Homecoming Celebration


  • The Executive shall acting in collaboration with the administration of OWASS, convene an Annual Homecoming Celebration, and the Annual Homecoming Celebration shall be for the purposes of socialization and interaction of members of this Association with students and staff of OWASS.

  • The Annual Homecoming Celebration shall be held at a time that is suitable to the administration of OWASS, save that should the school calendar unable to permit the celebrations, the Executive shall determine the alternative location for the celebrations.

  • The Annual Homecoming Celebration shall not be deemed to be a General Meeting of this Association, and any decisions taken at such celebration shall be deemed as advisory opinion to the Executive and the Executive shall not be bound by such decisions


Article 9: Finance, Accounts and Investments

  • The main source of funding of the Association shall be monthly subscription/dues set by the Executive from time to time and contributions for events.

  • The Executive in consultation with members at General Meeting may invest any part of the finances of the Association in any genuine financial investment product with reputable finance company in Ghana or abroad or any laudable project.

  • The Executive shall ensure that all monies received by the Association for its functions are applied with prudence to provide the maximum benefit to the Association.

  • The funds of the Association shall be used only for activities in furtherance of the objectives   of the Association.

  • The Association shall operate a Bank Account into which all funds shall be lodged.

  • Signatories to Bank transactions shall be as follows:


  • The President

  • Vice President

  • Treasurer

  • The Association shall appoint an Auditor to audit the accounts annually.


Article 10: Complaints, Discipline and Dispute Resolution


  • For purposes of this Constitution, discipline shall mean compliance with the rules of proper conduct  as  embodied  in  this  Constitution  and  any  other  rules  as  shall  be formulated by the  Association from time to time. 

  • The Association shall at all times adopt a non-adversarial approach towards the enforcement of discipline among members, and also towards the resolution of differences that may arise in the Association.

  • The Executive shall create a Complaints and Dispute Resolution Committee made up of a minimum of 3 (three) members as and when an issue arising requires such resolution, and such committee shall submit its report on whether it was successful or not in assisting in the resolution of the issue to the within  twenty eight (28) days of its appointment, provided always that before the expiration of the twenty eight (28) days, if the committee needs an extension of time to complete its work, it shall request for same from the Executive, which shall duly consider the request and grant such extension of time needed

  • A  Complaint  and Dispute Resolution Committee appointed in the manner stated in (3) here above shall stand dissolved immediately upon receipt of its report by the Executive Committee



Article 11: Welfare Issues




  • Upon the death of a member of the Association, and upon the notification of the death on the

Electronic Online Forum by any member, or by any other means, the Association shall endeavour to be represented at the funeral rites for the deceased and make a reasonable financial contribution to the bereaved family.  

  • The financial contribution shall be drawn in part from the Association’s finances and in part from individual contributions, and the respective levels shall be decided by the Association.  

  • On the death of an immediate family member of a member of the Association, the member may notify the Association in writing or on the Electronic Forum, and the Association shall determine the assistance to be given in such circumstances,. which assistance may include cash donation in the manner stated above and attendance by representative of the Association.

An immediate family member, for the purposes of this Constitution, shall be limited to the following persons;  spouse,  child  or  stepchild,  sibling  or  step sibling,  and  parent  or  step-parent. 



Article 12: Amendments


  • No alterations, additions or amendments shall be made to this Constitution except notice in writing which shall have been given to the Executive twenty one (21) clear days prior to a General Meeting.

  • Any amendments to this Constitution shall be carried by two-thirds of members present and voting at the General Meeting.



Article 13: Commencement


  • This constitution shall be deemed to have come into effect on the 30th of September 2015.


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