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Weekly Lecture Notes

" divorce is not a stigma. It has become respectable"


Lawyer Gyau Baffuor asserted that we celebrate the union called marriage but unfortunately when cracks start appearing in marriages, it leads to dissolution. Very common these days for couples to jointly do everything together. As a result when dissolution happens, long battle over properties almost always ensue. 


Cancer cells are psychopaths. They have no respect for the rights of other cells. They violate the democratic principles of normal cellular organization.  Their proliferation is uncontrolled and their ability to spread is unbounded.Their inexorable relentless progress destroys first the tissue and then the host. Cancer occurs when normal human cells become rogues escaping the normal cellular controls elaborate (involve) certain factors which make them grow unchecked and the ability to invade other tissues and grow. Simply put Cancer starts when cells in our body "divide out of control". When these cells stays in one place then it becomes a tumour, which is relatively easy

" Have you ever wondered mate if there are obvious differences between health and fitness? Yes, of course the terms 'health' and fitness are often used interchangeably these days, but there are important noticeable differences between them, even though they do intereact. 


Investment is putting money into something with the expectation of a gain. Or in simple terms the use of money with the hope of getting more money. "Letting your money work for you." Our kids must become better than us; Our $£€ today must worth more tomorrow; our sweat today must earn us a decent package at retirement; your money must work for you and your society. 

There is no single definition of stress. Wagner and Hollenbeck (1992) defined stress as an unpleasant emotional state resulting from the perception that situational demand exceeds one's capacity and that it is very important to meet those demands. So it is a state that occurs when people are faced with demands that require a change. Stress is a universal human experience and is the result of demands which people meet in the course of life. It can be positive and negative, major and minor, pleasant and unpleasant, beneficial and harmful. 

The concept of morality in Islam centers on certain basic beliefs and principles. Among these are the followings:


  • God is the Creator and Source of all goodness, truth and beauty.

  • Man is a responsible, dignified, and honorable agent of his Creator.

  • God has put everything in the heavens and the earth in the service of mankind.

  • By His Mercy and Wisdom, God does not expect the impossible from man or hold him accountable for anything beyond his power. Nor does God forbid man to enjoy the good things of life.

Research tells us that football in Ghana was born at Cape Coast due to their early contact with Europeans but this via a Jamaican Headteacher at a local Government Boys' School.The Headteacher,Mr Briton encouraged his pupils to take up sports. They started doing athletics,football,  Cricket, etc but it was football which quickly caught the eyes of the locals. With the help of the headmaster,22 pupils used to have secret training sessions,mostly at night under full moon at Victoria Park(Now called The Jubilee Park).They ordered a set of football jerseys from the UK.The set included red and yellow stiriped shirts,white short, socks,caps and football boots.,yes,football boots.They named their team CAPE COAST EXCELSIOR.

Before we delve into the electricity crises, let’s first understand the Ghanaian energy sector in terms of:

  • (a) political economy - decision making process or the governance structure – (structure of the sector, institutions, policies),

  • (b) electricity demand-supply continuum,

  • (c) evolution of electricity generation,

  • (d) pricing mechanism,

  • (f) role of private sector

Political economy - strategic long-term energy vision for Ghana is articulated in the Ghana medium development blue print - Ghana shared growth and development agenda (recognized energy security, net energy export, energy for development, energy for all vision).

Phishing refers to illegal attempts to acquire information such as usernames, passwords and credit card numbers or gain access to protected systems by masquerading as trustworthy entities in electronic communications.


Phishing is a social engineering tactic used to manipulate people to perform actions or divulge confidential or non-public information and is often the first step in a larger effort. A phishing attempt may appear to come from a trustworthy source who may attempt to acquire information including, but not limited to, usernames, passwords and credit card numbers. Clicking on links or downloading files from unknown sources may also infect your computer with malware.

Adoption, generally is the act or process of becoming a legal parent to a child of another person.

Several factors informs the decision of people to adopt children

  • Those who are not blessed with the fruits of the womb finds adoption a legitimate way of becoming a parent

  • Other people are moved by instinctively to help children by assuming the parental role over children

  • For those in the diaspora, is a way of either helping a family member or show compassion to the less privileged children

Health and safety is just common sense....but I guess common sense is not common to most common men. We practice health and safety in our everyday lives, except that we have not given it the official names as is perceived.

The worker under modern OSH is placed at the centre of all planning and programming

Safety and Health of Employees are paramount and key because the worker is de most important assets of any organisation. Buildings and equipment can be replaced in the extreme case of loss but loss of human life is irreplaceable.

OSH is a discipline with a broad scope comprising many specified and diverse fields

I have lived a life where A2 assault rifle was called my custard and a beer stain on my T-shirt referred to as a canteen medal. I will try my best to stick with the English but if by any chance the army pops in please excuse me. 


An army can be defined as a) A large body of people organized and trained for land warfare. b) often Army The entire military land forces of a country. c). A tactical and administrative military unit consisting of a headquarters, two or more corps, and auxiliary forces. Within this structure are men and women who fight,carry weapons and risk their lives in the process who we know as soldiers.  An active,loyal or militant follower of an organisation can also be called a soldier.

...."with the recent xenophobic attacks in South Africa,  the death of migrants on the mediterranean seas and the declaration of the EU nations to seek and destroy migrant boats on the seas, with The conservative government in the UK annoucing plans to criminalise immigration offences and confisicate wages of illegal migrants in the UK when arrested, preventing illegal migrants from accessing housing for accommidation... and with Sweden passing out laws making the country a cashless country preventing illegal migrants from buying or selling,...  is it worth risking life and limb to seek greener pastures else where? what are the risks to migrants and what are the protections if any?

It is indeed a great whoredom, bribery and corruption is driving us wayward and if measures are not put in place to counteract the canker our generation to come would be like hell on earth. Corruption has a strong potential to steal the wealth of a nation and impoverish its people. The more corrupt a country is the lower its economic growth rate.The fight against the canker must begin here and now, between you and I.

Insurance works on the principle of pooling resources to build up a fund from which a portion is paid out in the event of loss to a member of the pool.

The insurer collects an amount of money called the PREMIUM from a group of people in similar circumstances or who carry a similar RISK. This group of people are called the INSURED PERSONS. This forms the insurance pool. If any member or insured person suffers a loss, the insurer will pay out the agreed sum of money (SUM ASSURED) from the insurance pool to compensate for the loss.

A stroke is a serious, life-threatening medical condition that occurs when the blood supply to part of the brain is cut off.

Strokes are a medical emergency and urgent treatment is essential because the sooner a person receives treatment for a stroke, the less damage is likely to happen

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